Welcome to our brand new website- please be patient with us as it is not quite finished- thank you

We are gearing up to start the building work! It is two years since Diana began talking with Laura at GEMS scrapstore in Wells about whether it was possible to bring a scrapstore back to Glastonbury. Many people will know that at one point it was hoped we would move into the Red Brick Building BUT just like the best laid plans of mice and men (and women) things have taken a different direction.
We have an amazing space at Dyehouse Lane, a 2000 sq ft warehouse with a 700 sq ft Mezzanine. This allows us to have a HUGE amount of storage for the many and varied types of scrap that you would expect.
BUT there is more! With some additional fund raising, a wing and a lot of prayer we are building a large activity pod which will give us a completely self contained activity space available to run workshops, activity days, holiday clubs etc etc etc. When it isn’t being used it will also be available for hire. To make the exercise worthwhile we thought we might as well heat the pod, put in some really decent toilet facilities and washing up area for all those messy craft activities.
On Saturday 5th July we are going to be holding a big launch extravaganza day where we can show off our new space to everyone. We do hope you are as excited about this new community scrapstore as we are and we look forward to welcoming lots and lots of new members and visitors in the coming months and years.